Friday 23 July 2010

Odin Endorses BNP Nick Griffin Confirms

Odin god of the Norse men is due to declare the British National Party as the only party for the British Arian Right, news reports have claimed today.

After a year of ups and downs the B N P has found a guardian in the shape of an ancient mythological god who truly believes in their xenophobic/racist beliefs.

Odin who had remained silent during the General Election as to which party he had backed made his feelings be known in a dream to party leader, Nick Griffin the other night after a cheese and wine party with some of his closest henchmen.

“Nick, it is time you came out of the closet, sorry I meant wilderness and took this country in the direction it needs to go, the past!” Odin was believed to have informed Mr Griffin according reports coming out of his parties head quarters in East London.

The leader of the BNP was elated to be visited by such a magnificent Arian god.

“It was wonderful seeing the old fellow I can tell you. After all it’s not often one wakes up with a gruff looking hairy one eyed Viking god standing over you whilst you are naked in bed is it! Some Liberal Democrats would pay good money for that type of thing to happen to them I can tell you.” Mr Griffin stated outside his country manor.

Thor the god of thunder, Odin’s son, is still undecided as to who he is backing. He is currently unsure on The Lib Democrat’s coalition with the Tory Party. Policy issues like Trident are causing him some concern.

“As everyone is aware I have a magnificent swinging arm but I am not usually a swinging voter. I generally vote for the strong type like myself. I like my politicians to be both strong, male and the dynamic type, unfortunately Anne Widdecombe is no longer an MP.”

“Clegmire I feel came across very well in the first live television debate during the general election but since siding with Cameron he looks more and more like the office gimp every single day. Dad has always had an eye for politics, only the one mind so he can be blinded by some politicians. So I am not really sure what he sees in the BNP.”

The BNP will be holding a rape and pillage night at Stepney Town Hall this weekend in honour of their new endorser.

1 comment:

Ian C said...

Great work, love the input from my best buddy Thor. He and I often go to the bar and get hammered.