Thursday, 23 April 2009

Ryan Air To Tax Fat People On Future Flights

Ryan Air once again looks to increase its revenue by suggesting a new Fat Tax for all future passengers on their flights. The idea is to make life more comfortable for regular and skinny passengers. Should this new move proceed it Will further help to bolster the fortunes of the fat cat shareholders at Ryan Air.
No confirmation has been forthcoming as to how this new tax will actually be applied as yet. We can confirm that rumours of Fat Concentration camps have been denied as total speculation. Rumours abound however, that rest assured that should camps be deemed to be profitable then nothing as yet can be totally ruled out as far as this airline is concerned.


Fred 'The Red' Hamster said...

Tax the rich i say!!!! I'm doin a leaflet drop and organisin a demo to highlight the lack of hamsters in public life, if anyone's interested, phone me on the usual number...

Fred the Red said...

just an update... we'll be holding a LHHK (Love Hamsters Hate Kittens) gig this weekend, feel free to come along and enjoy the bands, including 'Blair and the Wankers' 'Eat the Rich'.... cheers

Red Fred said...

Thanks to all comrades who showed up for the LHHK benefit, we had a great turnout!! The facist Kittens who goaded our memebers are scum, and wouldn't you know it would be our lot who get arrested not them!!! Keep the faith people, one day the revolution will come....

Anonymous said...

ryanair update..