Wednesday 27 January 2010

"Reliable Worker" Advert Rejected By Job Centre

A recruitment agency boss says they were told they could not request "reliable and hard-working" applicants in a recent recruitment advert.

The company concerned had informed a Jobcentre worker that "hard-working and reliable" were essential words for the advert, but received the reply that those words could not be used as they "may discriminate against the unreliable".

A long term benefits claimant was shocked upon hearing this news, "I cannot believe they can can try and discriminate against unreliable people like that. My dad never wanted to work from day one of leaving school. In fact in forty years he never worked a day in his life. But he never failed to claim his dole money every fortnight, now that's reliable for you!"

The Equality and Human Rights Commission said that the advert was in "no way" a breach of any discrimination law.

A spokesperson for the DWP said: "Reliability is important to employers, as it is for Jobcentre Plus - and we welcome ads seeking reliable applicants."

Having said that the DWP said that the "reliable applicants" statement should in no way put any current or former members of parliament off from going for future jobs displayed at their job centres across the country.

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