Sunday, 19 April 2009

G20 Death: Sir Paul Stephenson Speaks Out

"I am utterly shocked that members of the Metropolitan Police Force have been linked to the death of Mr Ian Tomlinson. Our officers are fully trained in dealing with circumstances such as the G20 riots. As such I am shocked that members of this police force have been implicated in the untimely death of Mr Tomlinson.

It was a busy day to say the least with the small number of civilians on the street and tension was high as we all now know. Having said that I would have expected members of this force to show the professionalism I expect from each and every one of them. Unfortunately that would appear to not be the case. With the amount of media attention the G20 Summit was receiving I would have expected our members to have at least made sure no photographers were around before attacking the 47 year old newspaper seller. Such shoddy standards cannot be tolerated and have to be removed from our force."

The Mayor of London,Boris Johnson had this to say about the death of Mr Tomlinson, "Cripes , with this kind of attention the 2012 Olympics should be a big hit indeed!"


Tina Fey said...

is that how Boris speaks is it? 'Cripes', haha.. does he also say 'spiffing' and 'Angela you're a brick'?

greg said...

according to certain people yes he does. he also says by jingo and crikey too

Anonymous said...

golly!! I say you fellows, any chance of a loan while i wait for me postal order?

Anonymous said...

actually, not to get carried away with the jokes.. we musn't forget that Ian Tomlinson died in suspicious circumstances

GTN Team said...

we at the GTN Team agree with your comment. the article meant to highlight the matter using satire. We only hope that this came across in the article

C said...

don't worry, i was talking about meself makin the jokes riffing on cripes etc! I get that humour can be a powerful weapon at times..

Anonymous said...

er, you put 'GTN' not 'GNT'.....('GNT' always makes me think of gin n tonics...)